Resets all account stats and achievements Print multiplayer lobby information to your console logĭisplays debug information at bottom of screenĬlears a multiplayer or single player slot Specify difficulty level from peaceful, normal, hard, and hard survivalĬhange game mode to standard, creative, and modĬalls the garbage collector to free up unused memory the game is using Sets the level of logging for your achievement log The forest device and settings console commands Teleports your character to a random enemy Teleports your character to specified tag Places all blueprints in the game in front of your character When you die, save game is permanently deleted When enabled, enemies only spawn in caves Revives your character in multiplayer if you are knocked down When enabled, your character has unlimited energy and stamina Plants seeds in all the gardens in the game Prints the current day to the console log Resets holes made by hole cutter or crane When enabled, enemies only spawn at night When your character sleeps, 10% trees regrow Spawn all items that naturally spawn in the map Spawns an animal in the closest animal trap Kills the closest animal to your character Instantly kill all cannibals and mutants alive in the gameĮnables and disables the rendering of terrain If enabled, your character is unaffected by camera affects, e.g water, mud, blood If disabled, your character’s hydration and hunger aren’t affected Skip the plane crash scene at the beginningĮnable and disable God mode, with this turned on you can’t take damage and you have unlimited statsĮnable and disable buildhack, which gives you unlimited resources and instant building Place a built object with the specified ID in front of youĬhoose whether you want light or darkness in your cavesĪ creative mode that disables health and enemies
Teleport to a specified location or coordinates
Spawn a specified animal in front of character, eg. Here are all the console commands and cheats in The Forest. Step 3: Press F1 to open/close the console > type/enter console > hit Enter
Step 2: Main Menu > type – this will allow console commands Step 1: Go to Options > Gameplay > Allow Cheats (On) How to use The Forest console commands and cheatsīefore you dive into these console commands in The Forest, you’ll need to follow these instructions to make sure they run in the game.